Monday, January 5, 2009

Lifestyles of the Wanna-Be-Rich and Famous

By E Morgan

Ok, so maybe not the famous part (at least I know that is true for K and me!), but the rich part, definitely is true. I set this week aside to take a good hard look at where I am at, and decide on some specific places I want to end up at; rich, being one of those places.

That is such an ambiguous word: rich. It means one thing to you and another to me. In my mind, being rich means having enough to feel secure, as well as living a comfortable lifestyle, and having the wealth, or longer leash and more ability to do things I want in my life. Again ambigious. Undefined goals are never reached. But there is another factor...the comfort factor...the lifestyle factor.

I have heard more talk about lifestyle this week from women I've been around, seen and talked with. When we are pinching pennies and the pressure is on- there's no wasted money, because it isn't there to waste. So what tends to happen the minute we get some money and the pressure is off? We get comfortable in our lifestyles. We drink our daily mochas, get our toes done, here a little splurge, there a little splurge, everywhere a splurge splurge. And you know what? We aren't getting where we want to be, because we are just so glad we aren't where we were. We end up just trying to maintain our beloved lifestyle.

Ladies, it's a beautiful trap. These are the thoughts of girl trying to decide what she can really give up, or how much harder she is going to have to hustle to keep the lifestyle and still get where she wants to go...

You can find Erin Morgan (aka Prlinkbiz) in a crowded room by her laugh. She is an entrepreneur who has a lust for life and mochas. She is known for her gift of connecting people and has coined the phrase “I do people.” She sold her first business and is now growing her second to fund her fascination with real estate. She also founded No Limits

No Limits Ladies ( ) is a blogging community for women of all ages, shapes and sizes (etc.) who want resources to increase their financial education, are eager to learn strategies for financial freedom, as well as sharing about the life issues we encounter along the way that are unique to us as girls. (Ladies, chicks, the kinder more gentle sex...blah blah...!)

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