Wednesday, January 7, 2009

How To Get Retirement Savings And Income Back On Track

by Janet Giacoma

With what could well turn out to be the worst financial catastrophe in the history of mankind already upon us, it's probably time to evaluate your personal financial situation. Regardless of your age or how long you've been employed--provided that you are still employed--you need to be thinking about your retirement and how you will support yourself in your "Golden Years."

A lot of people are reluctant to do this because they are afraid of what they will find. The sad truth is that many people do not have an adequate retirement plan in place and even if they do, it is very often underfunded. This leads to obvious questions about what will happen when retirement actually occurs. If those answers are bleak and potentially painful, the retirement planning process ends abruptly.

The key to effective retirement planning is self-evident--you need to take the time to in fact plan. And although you are talking about an event at some point in the future, your plan should start by addressing the considerations of the here and now. Since your income today will affect your retirement tomorrow, evaluate the money flowing into your life and ensure that it is adequate to pay your bills while still allowing you to save some money consistently. If you are living paycheck to paycheck and are struggling to pay your bills and put food on the table, saving for retirement might seem like a very idealistic and unrealistic activity.

If your income is insufficient, you need to bring more money into your life. Perhaps you can find a new job that pays more money or perhaps you can find a part-time job to fill in the gaps. The reality though is that in today's horrible job market this might be easier said than done. In order to get your income back on track--which in turn will enable you to save for your retirement--you might need to launch an entirely new career.

Internet entrepreneurs operating online network marketing businesses from their own homes have found that their new line of work is not only recession proof but highly lucrative as well. These people set their own hours and literally write their own paychecks based on how much effort they choose to put into their business. If you are at all concerned about your retirement, your income, your career, or perhaps just your quality of life, you should evaluate these online opportunities and see if they fit your lifestyle and your goals.


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