Wednesday, January 7, 2009

3 Steps For A Successful Detox

by Fit Jerk

Cleansing the body is a very important matter to a lot of people. Not only does cleansing the body help anyone who does so in the long run, but it is also a good idea to complete a body detoxification in order for all of the toxins and wastes in your body to leave so that you'll be left with a healthy system.

People think that detoxification is a hard or complicated process… not really. If you break the body and system detoxification down into 3 simple steps one is able to realize just how easy and exciting this process can be.

The First Step: Preparation

Preparing the body for detoxification may seem unnecessary, but make sure you do not skip over this step, its vital. Consider this: would you skydive or bungee jump without mentally and/or physically preparing yourself? The detoxification cleansing steps are absolutely the same and those who need a clean system need to prepare before they are able to complete a full, healthy body detox.

One of the ways in which you are able to completely prepare yourself is to perform yoga steps several days before the detoxification actually begins. This will not only help clear your mind, but it will benefit your body as well. Of course, there are plenty of other preparation steps that can be done, but in my opinion Yoga is the most beneficial.

Another thing you can do is to increase your water intake if it's not up to par. Water is one of the substances your body will use to flush out the toxins in your system. Then end result? Well… you just pee the toxins away. Simple as that!

The Second Step: Detoxification

This second step is the actual system of detoxification and cleansing your body. This step alone is usually supposed to contain oils like flax seed, olive oil, and primrose, as well as raw soups and fresh greens that are also juiced and pureed.

These are all ingredients that one should be digesting during a body detoxification and one is supposed to consume everything on this list for a period of 24 hours. Some of the suggested meals that one is able to eat during this time include: blended and juiced vegetables, like celery, cucumbers, kale, parsley, wheat grass, barley, and spinach. All of these ingredients can be put into a blender in order to make a raw juice which you should drink at least three times during the detoxification.

Another thing that one should consume during their detoxification is vegetable soup that has plenty of garlic and green vegetables. This is the only type of soup which should be consumed because vegetable broth is the most beneficial to the system.

The Third Step: Finishing Up

Many people call the third step the "exit" of the detoxification cleanses, however, does one ever really leave detoxification? The rest of the detox system simply calls upon the person to ease themselves away from the raw and pureed juices, the raw soups, as well as the essential oils. This step is supposed to be completed in a series of three days in order to be the most beneficial to the cleanse, however, some people shorten it as well.

All of these steps are vital and important to clearing out your body's systems by flushing everything toxic out of your body. A detoxification cleanse is something that you should be doing at least once a year… specially in today's environment, though once every 6 months is the better option.

One last thing I wanted to point out is that a lot of ads market detox as the next weight loss magic bullet. Please do not buy into this crap.

Yes… doing a detox MIGHT help you lose weight… a lot of weight quickly, but what you are losing isn't fat, its all the guck build up inside your body. If you eat clean and have adopted a healthy eating lifestyle than what you will gain from a detox can be increased vitality, better mental focus, longer lasting energy etc, but not weight loss.

Any type of fitness regimen should be started AFTER a detox so that your body has a clean and fresh start. I recommend all my clients do a detox before implementing my fitness advice or plans, so keep that in mind.

Happy peeing… I mean… detoxing! =)

- FJ Flawless Fitness Book


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